Dreams 0-1, the art style


How's the holidays? here are some of the art I already did for the project. 

All the process is quite simple, basic white boxing for the map layout and for the bigger pieces. Half of the stuff was built in Unreal Engine's modeling tools. After that all the models are reworked in Blender.

Some of the meshes are low poly bit more optimized than other ones, but due to small scale of the project I didn't spend too much time on them. I utilized low poly techniques with Bevel modifier in blender to achieve desired look of the meshes. a lot of small details comes from the textures and mid level details like larger cracks and imperfections are modeled in blender.

All texturing was done in Substance3D Painter, with combinations of smart materials and a lot of adjustments and etc.. nothing too special in this department. All the screenshots below are from Substances Painter.

And here are few in Unreal Engine screenshots.

So I understand I am terrible at write Blog post, but will try to make them maybe bit more exciting next time :).. And also for the next time will go a little bit through Unreal Engines stuff.

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